tester wrote:

Need some dtrace pointers to track time spent by some programs. N processes 
with N threads each running on a multiprocessor system. What probes to use to 
decompose total run time to on-proc, sleep, io etc?
Since it's a muliprocessor system, I am guessing that the toal units of time will be in 
the terms of " clock ticks" and so will be the break up.
So for example on a 2X2Ghz system a program running for 10 sec has, theoretically 10*2*2*1024*1024 clock ticks potentially available. How to track how much of this the program is using (with a breakup of on-cpu and io wait etc)
Or am I completely off on this with a different approach?
Sounds like you want the Sun Studio performance analyzer to me... man collect


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