You may also try latencytop which is a new tool. No scripting needed :)

I believe it works for recent Solaris 10 updates, all it requires is that you 
have glib2 installed from here:

Okie wrote:
> Hi!
> I am a total noob about dtrace but I hope it could solve my huge
> problem - I have a process that synchronizes data between two Solaris
> 10 boxes (part of a cluster) which should do 3 things:  
> 1) read files from disk
> 2) compare files to "other side"
> 3) transfer differences (or all files)
> The problem is that sync tome is becoming longer and longer lately
> without obvious reasons (number of files to sync didn't have any huge
> raise nor network became any more saturated than before) - so I need
> to know which part of processes take most time in execution.   
> I've looked through io providers but am not sure how to make a dtrace
> script to get some useful data. If someone could give me pointers
> what to do - I would really appreciate it.  
> -o.
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