Hi all,

I have a program that crashes. From the stack I suspect it's trying to read
free memory, probably because it's trying to clean some structures twice.
Unfortunately I can't run the program under Purify as it's a 32 bit program
and the purify runs out of 4GB. So I tried libumem as I think it should be
able to find the error but libumem is running out of memory too.

I am now trying to reduce the logging some more in the hope that the program
will run:

My other idea is to try to emulate the feature I want from these tools with
dtrace and a huge log file:
 - trace all malloc and free, including stack, address and size
 - wait for the crash
 - search in the log for areas containing the pointers involved in the crash

This seems pretty daunting and I wonder if I could not reduce libumem memory
usage instead. I don't mind running the program a couple times.
 Are there ways to use dtrace that would allow me to disable the libumem
options that use the most memory?

  Thanks for your help,
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