You could also try to use the Oracle Solaris Studio performance tools,
and profile the application.  It does not user DTrace, so
the DTrace lock contention issue won't come up.

   Marty Itzkowitz
       Project lead, Oracle Solaris Studio Performance Tools.

On 3/30/10 8:10 AM, Jeremiah Campbell wrote:
> I'm curious if you're seeing a similar problem to what I experienced recently. We had recently migrated some JVM's onto a brand new Solaris 10 T5220 and saw horrendous performance. We opened a case with Sun and eventually got to a kernel engineer who discovered we were running into a variant of bug ID 6815915 which is a C++ or libc bug specifically. However, there is a Java variant of it that was affecting us (never did see a specific bug ID for the java variant). > The issue was discovered when looking at at least a level 2 guds and looking at the lockstat-H.out file. We were seeing a bunch of mutex locks bubbling up out of the dtrace helper provider (HotSpot). The work-around was to disable the Dtrace helper functionality (can be turned back on via command line if needed) before starting the application. The work-around was to set an environment variable in your JVM startup scripts (tomcat profile for instance if your JVMs run under tomcat). Here's the specific quote from the Sun engineer;
> "The system is under heavy lock contention on dtrace_meta_lock because all java processes are busy in register or destroy dtrace helper functions. Java should not always load DTrace probes. This is likely a Java variation of CR 6815915 which is filed for the C++ runtime libray. > The workaround is to run the application with the environment variable DTRACE_DOF_INIT_DISABLE set. " > The below makes me wonder if you're getting some mutex locks out of Dtrace as well. You might try finding this with guds. I'm no Dtrace guru, so couldn't tell you how to pull the same information out of Dtrace as what we found in guds.
>> Elapsed Times:
>>         SYSCALL          TIME (ns)
>>      ...
>> lwp_mutex_timedlock         1541179345
>> CPU Times
>>         SYSCALL          TIME (ns)
>>      ...
>> lwp_mutex_timedlock           30490184
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