This is probably a newbie question, but I didn't find an answer searching the history of this forum.

Working on driver CR and wanted to put some test hooks into the ata driver. After I copy my new ata bits to /kernel/drv and /kernal/drv/amd64 my dscript suddenly breaks.

pfexec dtrace -s ata.d
dtrace: failed to compile script ata.d: line 10: operator ?: operands must have compatible types

The script....
    self->pkt = args[3];
    printf("%s %02x %x\n",
        (self->pkt->ap_cdbp) ? self->pkt->ap_cdbp[0] : 0xff,
    self->pkt = 0;

I'm reasonably sure the issue is I'm taking a short cut and just copying over the ata driver bits and not getting something updated that dtrace wants. I'm hoping that the "something" is easy and I'm don't have to do a full onu upgrade every time I change some little thing.

Thanks for your help
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