On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Mark Phalan <mark.pha...@sun.com> wrote:
> Whenever I try to use a wildcard in my dtrace scripts with my USDT
> provider I get an error complaining that the set of probes is unstable.
> dtrace -n 'foo$target:::bar-* { printf("%d\n", args[0]->i); }' -c /tmp/x
> dtrace: invalid probe specifier foo$target:::bar-* { printf("%d\n",
> args[0]->i); }: in action list: args[ ] may not be referenced because
> probe description foo4908:::bar-* matches an unstable set of probes

The problem here is the wildcard and the use of args[].  DTrace has no
way of knowing that every one of your wildcarded probes (including
those that might not exist when you invoke DTrace)  has exactly the
same argument types, so it bails.

You'd need to use arg0 and explicitly cast it to the type you want.

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