On 25/11/2010 11:43, arup das wrote:


    A error message coming when i am running ./tcpsnoop.d. Sending the
    error portion. Need your input. My system running on VM.

If you're running Solaris 11 Express or any distro based on
a post-snv142 build of Solaris Nevada, you should have the
stable tcp DTrace  provider present on your system (running
"dtrace -l -P tcp" should show the available tcp probes. If not
you're out of luck unfortunately).

If the tcp probes are present, run:

dtrace -s /usr/demo/dtrace/tcpsnoop.d

...instead as it is based on the stable semantics of the tcp
provider. The DTraceToolkit version had to rely on unstable
function boundary tracing (fbt) prior to the introduction
of the stable tcp provider, and as a consequence breakage
can occur when private kernel functions or data structures
change. See http://wikis.sun.com/display/DTrace/tcp+Provider for
stable provider documentation.

Hope this helps,


    bash-3.00# ./tcpsnoop.d -a
    dtrace: failed to compile script ./tcpsnoop.d: line 210: failed to
    resolve tcp_g_q: Unknown variable name
    bash-3.00#vi tcpsnoop.d

       207   */
       208  fbt:ip:tcp_xmit_early_reset:entry
       209  {
       210          this->queuep = (queue_t *)`tcp_g_q; /* ` */
       211          this->connp = (conn_t *)this->queuep->q_ptr;
       212          this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)this->connp->conn_tcp;

    bash-3.00# ./tcpsnoop -a
    dtrace: failed to compile script /dev/fd/11: line 173: failed to
    resolve : Unknown variable name


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