On Jun 22, 2011, at 11:19 AM, Adam Leventhal wrote:

> Hey Eric,
>> to see which ones are dtrace related. As expected, dtrace_nprobes & 
>> dtrace_probes aren't in the list. I didn't see anything that looked 
>> promising, but perhaps someone else may be able to spot something.
> Very interesting, but it looks like Apple is doing something cagey
> with kernel symbols:
Oh my, I can see the headlines now "Apple cages DTrace"  :-}

This appears to be a *BUG* in the shipping MacOS X 10.6.n.
Please file a bug report through your usual channels.

N.B., this is fixed in the WWDC build of Mac OS X 10.7:

$ sudo dtrace -n BEGIN'{ trace(`dtrace_probe); }'
dtrace: description 'BEGIN' matched 1 probe
CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
  1      1                           :BEGIN  6215344901283465301

Steve Peters

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