Responses inline:

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 6:56 PM,  <> wrote:
> Chad,
> That was very helpful, thank-you.
> So it sounds like you're saying that if the check expression has no cacheable 
> components, it doesn't matter if I put the check in the predicate, or if I 
> break the logic into two clauses and put the check in the first clause, with 
> a thread-local variable to trigger the second clause.

Well, actually, you would see some benefit from breaking it into two
clauses, if the predicate from the first clause is cacheable (like
/execname == "oracle" /.)  And you would see some benefit from the
second clause if its predicate is also cacheable.

> Or at the least, I should try to break out the cacheable parts of the check 
> expression, and include that in the predicate.
> So a macro, like $$1 is cacheable, but an inline constant isn't?  I guess the 
> post-macro parsing of "D" sees $$1 the same as "abc", so I suppose that makes 
> sense.  But an inline constant is just as fixed as a quoted string, so I'd 
> think it would be a good candidate for caching.

But inlines aren't necessarily constant values.  For example, the
following is a valid inline:

inline string vtype = (this->vnode->v_type == VCHR) ? "CHR" : "BLK";

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