Far'd-Wajib for every Muslim man and woman is to abandon the harwaam
'democracy' and genuinely place the faith in 'Khilafat Alaa Minhazin

Saiyidul Mursalin, Imaamul Mursalin, Khwatamun Nabiyin, Noor-e-Mujassam,
Habeebullah, Huzur Pak Swallalahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam Declared, "After My
Bisaal Shareef, Siddiq-e-Akbar, Ha'drwat Abu Bakr Siddiq 'Alaihis Salaam
shall be the First Caliph, and then Faruq-e-A'azwam, Ha'drwat Umr Ibnul
Khwattab 'Alaihis Salaam, and then Ha'drwat Usman Jun Noorain 'Alaihis
Salaam and then Ha'drwat A'alee KarramAllahu Wazhahu 'Alaihis Salaam".
Therefore, Khulafa-e-Rwashidin 'Alaihimus Salaam were selected by Allah Pak
and The Habeeb of Allah Pak, Saiyidul Mursalin, Imaamul Mursalin, Khwatamun
Nabiyin, Huzur Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam; They were never elected
as Caliph through democratic systems. Statements of those who claim that
They were elected as Caliph through democratic systems have been foully
wrong and a deviation from Qur'an Shareef, Hadis Shareef, Izmah and Qiyas
and so kufri has been committed. They must do exclusive Tawbah-Istighfaar
for that. And Far'd-Wajib for every Muslim man and woman is to abandon the
harwaam 'democracy' and genuinely place the faith in 'Khilafat Alaa
Minhazin Nubuoah'.

Focal Wali-Allah of this age, Imam and Mujtahid of the century, Imaamul
Aimmah, Qutwubul A'alam, Awladur Rwasool, Habeebullah, Mamduh, Ha'drwat
Murshid Qibla 'Alaihis Salaam of Rajarbagh Shareef, Dhaka Says, "It has
come in Qur'an Shareef that, Saiyidul Mursalin, Imaamul Mursalin, Khwatamun
Nabiyin, Noor-e-Mujassam, Habeebullah Huzur Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa
Sallam is the Rwasool of Allah Pak, our Creator and Lord. And His
Associates are severe with the infidels and compassionate among each other.
You shall find them in the role of more bowing and prostrating positions".
(Sura Fath, Ayah Shareef 29).

Mujaddidu A'azwam Ha'drwat Murshid Qibla 'Alaihis Salaam Says, "In the
explanation of this Ayah Shareef, it has been described in 'Tafsir Ibn
Abbas' and 'Gunyatut Twalibin' that, by the words 'Allazina Mayahu' or 'His
Associates', it meant Ha'drwat Abu Bakr Siddiq 'Alaihis Salaam, by the
words 'Ashiddau Alal kuffar' or 'severe to the infidels', it meant the
second Caliph, Faruq-e-A'azwam Ha'drwat Umr Ibnul Khwattab 'Alaihis Salaam,
by the words 'Ruhamaoo bainaahum' or 'compassionate to each other', it
meant the third Caliph Ha'drwat Usman Jun Noorain 'Alaihis Salaam and by
the words 'rukka an sujjadan' or 'more bowing and kneeling', it hinted at
the fourth Caliph, Ha'drwat A'alee KarramAllahu Wazhahu 'Alaihis Salaam".
(Tafsir Ibn Abbas' and 'Gunyatut Twalibin', Vol 1, page 163). Through this
Ayah Shareef, Allah Pak, our Creator and Lord clearly Informs the whole of
the Qaiyinaat that the Khulafa-e-Rwashidin 'Alaihimus Salaam were never
elected through democratic systems but were selected by Allah Pak and the
Habeeb of Allah Pak, Saiyidul Mursalin, Imaamul Mursalin, Khwatamun
Nabiyin, Huzur Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam. Besides, it has also been
informed to the entire land-dwellers Who would become Caliph after Who."

Mujaddidu A'azwam Ha'drwat Murshid Qibla 'Alaihis Salaam Says, "Not only
that, this issue has further been clarified in Hadis Shareef. For example,
Saiyidul Mursalin, Imaamul Mursalin, Khwatamun Nabiyin, Noor-e-Mujassam,
Habeebullah, Huzur Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam Declared, "After My
Bisaal Shareef, Siddiq-e-Akbar, Ha'drwat Abu Bakr Siddiq 'Alaihis Salaam
shall be the First Caliph, and then Faruq-e-A'azwam, Ha'drwat Umr Ibnul
Khwattab 'Alaihis Salaam, and then Ha'drwat Usman Jun Noorain 'Alaihis
Salaam and then Ha'drwat A'alee KarramAllahu Wazhahu 'Alaihis Salaam".
('Gunyatut Twalibin', Vol 1, page 159; Maktubat Shareef).

Mujaddidu A'azwam Ha'drwat Murshid Qibla 'Alaihis Salaam Says, "Besides,
there are pretty many Hadis Shareef references. Therefore, it is clearly
established that Khulafa-e-Rwashidin 'Alaihimus Salaam were selected as
Caliphs by Allah Pak and the Habeeb of Allah Pak, Saiyidul Mursalin,
Imaamul Mursalin, Khwatamun Nabiyin, Huzur Pak Swallallahu 'Alaihi Wa
Sallam; They were never elected as Caliph through democratic systems.
Statements of those who claim that They were elected as Caliph through
democratic systems has been grossly mistaken and is deviation from Qur'an
Shareef, Hadis Shareef, Izmah and Qiyas which is sheer kufri and grounds
for being jahannami (hell-dweller)! They must do exclusive

Mujaddidu A'azwam Ha'drwat Murshid Qibla 'Alaihis Salaam Says, "The
'Caliphate' is a 'Shiarul Islam' or a special example of Islam. Muslims'
only ruling system is 'Caliphate'. Other than this, there is no existence
of any other man-made systems or isms like democracy, monarchy, socialism,
Maoism, Leninism or any other doctrines or tenets in Islam. Since Ha'drwat
Khulafa-e-Rwashidin conducted the Caliphate, therefore it is Far'd-Wajib
for every Muslim male and female to throw away the harwaam democracy and
votes-elections but following the Caliphs, make endeavour for 'Khilafat
Alaa Minhazin Nubuoah' since Hadis Shareef has the reference that, "For
you, My Sunnah and following the Sunnah of Khulafa-e-Rwashidin 'Alaihimus
Salaam is made 'Lazim' or essential"."

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