Allah Pak Declares, “Muslims are brothers to each other”. Noor-e-Mujassam,
Habeebullah, Huzur Pak Swallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam Dictates, “One Muslim
is brother to another Muslim”. There is the worst case in history of the
most merciless Muslim genocide in Arakan, mass violation of women modesty,
looting and arson but the entire Muslim world is just silent! According to
Shari’ah, Bangladesh, as the second largest Muslim country and for that
matter no Muslim country could ever sit tight in such situation. From the
point of religious and humanitarian views, Bangladesh could never refuse
those Muslims coming for refuge to here. Bangladesh should raise the issue
strongly in forums of OIC and the UN and should call the Ambassador of
Myanmar to create the highest pressure on that country to stop Muslim
repression. The United Nations which divides Sudan and creates South Sudan
for the benefit of the Christians, why is it mute on the issue of the
Muslims in Arakan? It must demonstrate a tough role in this issue.

 “The mass killing of the Muslims in Arakan and the mass violation and mass
looting going on there has surpassed any other precedence of cruelty,
atrocities and barbarism in the history! This could never be imagined in
this modern world. The Arakan Muslims have turned to be the most
vulnerable, subjugated and helpless people in the world. Their only destiny
is starving or burning to death or a death from a bullet of either the
Myanmar Military forces or from the Bangladeshi Coast-Guard or the Border
Guards. (Na’oozubillah!)

 “Situation has been created such that the Muslims would either die out of
starvation or would be forced to leave Arakan. Food scarcity and lack of
medical treatment are in extreme critical shape. Oppressed Arakani Muslims
trying to infiltrate to Bangladesh through various points under this
situation, are cruelly returned by the Coast-guard or the Border-guards.”

 “After burning out different Muslim majority villages, people of those
areas are being held back. Villagers trying to escape the blazing are
facing assaults. Having lost their homes, many of the Rohingya Muslim
population are passing nights under open skies. The rakhine (Mogh)
terrorists have burnt out at least six Masjids including Shafi Khan Masjid
near the Akiab Airport. Also in Mangdu Township, those terrorists have
vandalized and looted thousands of Muslim-owned shops.”

 “The communal violence in the Arakan state of Myanmar is getting severe.
Everyday young Muslim Rohingya men and women, children, minors and old
people are being killed by the government sponsored forces. Young Muslim
women are getting victims to the barbaric buddhist terrorists who are
rakhines. The tyrant Nasaka forces along with its buddhist rakhine youths
are abducting the prominent Muslim leaders to unknown destinations. The
entire military administration of Myanmar is carrying out atrocities over
its Muslim population. In the dark of the nights, they are carrying out
looting and arson on the houses and Masjids. Losing all assets and wealth,
many of the Rohingya Muslims have sought shelter in the caves. The entire
Arakan is flooded with Muslim blood. The air and skies are heavy with the
cries of vulnerable infants, youths and repressed Muslims. The country is
continuing with Muslim killing, looting, mass rapes and arsons by its
rakhine (mogh) dominated Nasaka force. Escaping troubled spots, some 500
Rohingya Muslim families were heading for Bangladesh by 6 or 7 trawlers on
the last Monday, early in the morning around 05:00 hours. Two of those
trawlers were spotted by the Myanmar Navy patrols near Chherdip of the
Saint Martin’s island. The tyrant Myanmar Navy instantly drowned them in
the seas sinking more than 600 Muslims including women and children. Locals
witnessed some 5 to six bodies floating on the seas around Hainkhali.
Escaping the repressive Myanmar Navy, more than 300 Rohingya Muslims
boarding on five trawlers were trying to bank around the Shahpori Island’s
terminal but were apprehended by the Border-guards and Coast-guards. Later
they were pushed back on Monday afternoon by the Border-guards and
Coast-guards in presence of the UNO Mr. ANM Nazimuddin.”

 “After killing, Muslim dead bodies are removed instantly. Looting of
various Muslim business places at Mongdu is on while rakhine hooligans are
carrying out atrocities under police supervision. They kill the Muslims and
then take snaps by shaving off their heads and cladding them in buddhist
orange robes to pose as buddhist monks. And then blaming the Muslims that
they killed the rakhine buddhist monks, upload it in various websites. For
a complete evacuation of the Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar, a grave rioting
situation has been created like that of 1942. Thousands of Muslims have or
are being made martyrs (killed) by the buddhist rakhine terrorists.
Hundreds of Masjids and Madrasah and households have been burnt down. Owing
to the absence of Rohingya Muslims in the media, clear pictures are not
available. From the facts of removing some 44 UN Staff from the rakhine
area near the Bangladesh borders, it is well assumed that the situation is
extremely grave there! Not only are the radical rakhines but even the
Police and Nasaka forces also joining them in subjugating the Muslims!”

 “Arakan Muslims had always been repressed but the degree of it rose in the
recent days. Many of the government officials, buddhist monks and
intellectuals are even involved with these despotic activities.”

 “Deliberate propaganda is being carried out against the Rohingya Muslims
since 2011. Very often they are being called ‘Rohingya’, ‘Burmese Muslims’,
‘Colour’, ‘Muslim clan’, ‘Immigrant Bangali’ etc. After the victory of Aung
Sun Su ki in a by-election, this anti-Rohingya trend rose freshly. At the
end of two weeks of Su Ki’s victory, buddhist monks demolished a Masjid in
Kochin. Militants further demolished another Masjid and looted the Muslim
properties in Mogbi region of the central Burma. The law enforcing agencies
did not pay any heed in preventing them.”

 “There had been massive riots in Myanmar back in 1942 aiming to oust the
Muslims from there. The radicals called the Rohingya as ‘Bengali’.

There is reference in the Hadis Shareef, “All the Muslims of the world are
like a single human body. Just the way if any one part of the body gets
affected, it is transmitted to the whole body, similarly any Muslim is
persecuted, would be affecting the entire Muslim community.” In the light
of this Hadis Shareef, the government of Bangladesh, a country of 97%
Muslims, a country of State-Religion Islam should have provided shelter to
the refugee Muslims while it should have called the Myanmar Ambassador to
warn him of stopping all repressions and killings on the Arakan Muslims. It
should have given stern ultimatum to them for ending all mass-violence,
mass-killings, gang-rapes and looting acts. It should also have told the
OIC to take the issue seriously. Rousing the other Muslim States, it should
have organized a combined pressure on Myanmar.”

“At the same time it could be vocal in intimating the matter to the United
nations (UN) which claims to be the protector of international peace and
sovereignty. To strongly raise the question to the UN which makes separate
land for the christians on the plea of being subjugated in Sudan or
separates East Timor from Indonesia for the same cause of the christians
but is mute on the issue of the Arakan Muslims who are oppressed for
hundreds of years. Allah Pak Does Declare in the Qur’an Shareef, “Do not be
tyrants and do not be oppressed either”, while Hadis Shareef as the
reference that, “All kaafirs have the same religion (trends)”. Therefore,
the Muslims need to be united against all the tyrant kaafirs.”

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