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FS#180 - Inconsistent naming - special status of saturation
User who did this - Bernd Flemisch (bernd)

I did everything from the list above that seemed clear to me. For the possibly 
questionable cases, let me first try to rephrase two options for our criterion: 
Option 1 (words):
\"We use camelCase with a uncapitalized first letter for the naming of class 
members. If a part of the name consists of a word and succeeding words that 
would be sub- or superscripted in \'normal\' writing, these succeeding words 
are not capitalized.\" 

Option 2 (characters):
\"We use camelCase with a uncapitalized first letter for the naming of class 
members. If a part of the name consists of a character and succeeding 
characters that would be sub- or superscripted in \'normal\' writing (and do 
not form a meaningful word themselves), these succeeding characters are not 

Unfortunately, both options are still not really clear. For example, what 
should we do about greek letters like \\tau_\\alpha? It will be hard to come up 
with a clear rule that is not too complicated. 

Anyway, if we go with option 1, more changes are still to be made:
contiWEqIdx -> contiwEqIdx
contiNEqIdx -> continEqIdx 
pressNW -> pressnw
pressW -> pressw
pressureW -> pressurew
pressureNW -> pressurenw
saturationNW -> saturationnw
saturationW -> saturationw
velocityNW -> velocitynw
velocityW -> velocityw
pGlobalIdx -> pglobalIdx
pGlobalSn -> pglobalSn
pGlobalSw -> pglobalSw
pressureGlobal -> pressureglobal
velocityTotal -> velocitytotal

And there are still: 
dkrw_dSw -> dkrw_dsw
dkrn_dSw -> dkrn_dsw
dpC_dSw -> dpc_dsw
dSw_dpC -> dsw_dpc


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