Hello DuMuX,

I started working with the mpnc model and I wonder how I can check for the 
phase presence. Just accessing the phase saturation does not seem to be a safe 
way since during newton iterations the value may differ from zero even though 
the phase is not present (am I right here?). Right now I check if the sum of 
all mole fractions in the phase of interest is equal to 1. This seems to work, 
however I wonder whether I should include a threshold (something like: 
sumMolefractions[phaseIdx] > 1 - eps_). Or is there a better way?

Thanks for your help

Georg Futter

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics | Computational Electrochemistry | 
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40 | 70569 Stuttgart

Dipl.-Ing. Georg Futter | Ph.D. student
Telefon 0711/6862-8135 | georg.fut...@dlr.de<mailto:georg.fut...@dlr.de>

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