Hi Joan,

sorry, this got delayed since you posted as a non-member to the mailing list.

I'm glad to hear that things seem to work out by now.

> => Where can I find documentation on the command line arguments passed via 
> the CMakeLists.txt 
> file(dumux/test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/lens/CMakeLists.txt) ? I 
> am thinking about " --script fuzzy" "--zeroThreshold {"process rank":100}" 
> etc.

Documentation for the dune_add_test ,acro is here:

Concerning runtest.py, you can execute
python runtest.py -h
in dumux/bin/testing or have a look at the file itself at

> => Is the Grid.Overlap=0 parameter only needed for the YaspGrid type ? More 
> generally, where can I find documentation about the different grids and their 
> use ?

Yes to your first question, where the improtant thing is that you have to set 0 
overlap for Box and 1 for cell-centered discretizations. Concerning your second 
question, the best source would be the Dune documentation, a good starting 
point might be


It might also be helpful to look at Section 6.6 of our handbook

Kind regards



Bernd Flemisch                         phone: +49 711 685 69162
IWS, Universität Stuttgart             fax:   +49 711 685 60430
Pfaffenwaldring 61            email: be...@iws.uni-stuttgart.de
D-70569 Stuttgart            url: www.hydrosys.uni-stuttgart.de
Von: Dumux <dumux-boun...@listserv.uni-stuttgart.de> im Auftrag von Joan Delort 
Ylla <delo...@erdw.ethz.ch>
Gesendet: Montag, 20. Mai 2019 16:07:29
An: dumux@listserv.uni-stuttgart.de
Betreff: Re: [DuMuX] [CCS] Parallel computation with Box Discretization method

Dear Simon, DuMuX users,

Here's the testing procedure (gcc/6.3.0 --- cmake/3.5.2 --- open-mpi/1.5.6 --- 
dumux/3.0 --- dune/2.6).

I "build" the overall dumux installation repo (the one containing also the dune 
modules folders) as following (cmake.opts is the classic one) :

$ ./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=dumux/cmake.opts all

Then I go into the dumux folder and run cmake :

$ cd dumux
$ mkdir build-cmake && cd build-cmake
$ cmake ..

Then I go into the test folder of interest 
(dumux/test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/lens) and try to compile the 
tests that can be found in the CMakeLists.txt file :

$ make test_richards_lens_box

---> compiles fine

$ make test_richards_lens_box_parallel_ug

---> compiles fine

$ make test_richards_lens_box_parallel_alu

---> compiles fine

I try then to run those tests on the cluster by running the following command :

$ submit "mpirun -n 4 /path/to/problem/file /path/to/input/file"

Reassuringly, the tests seem to run fine on the cluster, however, some 
questions :

=> Where can I find documentation on the command line arguments passed via the 
CMakeLists.txt file 
(dumux/test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/lens/CMakeLists.txt) ? I am 
thinking about " --script fuzzy" "--zeroThreshold {"process rank":100}" etc.

=> Is the Grid.Overlap=0 parameter only needed for the YaspGrid type ? More 
generally, where can I find documentation about the different grids and their 
use ?

Thanks for your help,


On 26/04/2019 15:12, Simon Scholz wrote:

Dear Joan,

I am no expert in running things in parallel, but your setup seems fine to me. 
What DuMuX version are you using? I am assuming it is release/3.0 with dune 
2.6, correct?

In general it is possible to run a simulation using the box-method in parallel 
with DuMuX. We test this e.g. with the richards tests located in


Maybe you can try and build those (parallel) tests and see if they run with the 
setup on you cluster. If this works then they can serve as a guideline. If this 
does not work my last idea would be to check the grid that you are using. Maybe 
you can try to change to using ALU or UG and see if the problem persists.

My best,

On 25.04.19 20:07, Joan Delort Ylla wrote:

Dear DuMuX users,

I am using a CCS model that includes hydrogen impurities and biofilm growth and 

I inherit from the 2pncNIMin problem.

To be able to easily compute pressure gradients (needed for biofilm 
attachment/detachment) I switched from the CCTpfa method to the Box method.

My application compiles, links and executes fine (please note that until now a 
succesful simulation would take about 2h of clock time on 40 cores).

I run my simulations on a cluster in parallel using open-mpi/1.5.6, a typical 
job submission being :

$ submit "mpirun -n 40 /path/to/problem/file /path/to/input/file"

At first I got the following error message (at runtime):

Dune reported error: Dune::InvalidStateException 
 The box discretization method only works with zero overlap for parallel 
computations. Set the parameter "Grid.Overlap" in the input file. ---> Abort!

Which I solved by adding the following to my input file:

#other parameters
Overlap = 0

However, after doing so, the first time step of the simulation will run forever 
and output the following error:

Assemble: r(x^k) = dS/dt + div F - q; M = grad r^MSolve: M deltax^k = 
r^[[KCould not build any aggregates. Probably no connected nodes.

So here is my question :
Is it possible to run a simulation in parallel with the Box discretization 
method ? And if so, where should I look for a way to do it ?

Thanks for your help, and I'll be happy to provide you with any extra 
information you might need.


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Simon Scholz
Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems (LH2)

Simon Scholz                   phone: +49 711 685 67015
IWS, University of Stuttgart   fax:   +49 711 685 60430
Pfaffenwaldring 61             email: 
D-70569 Stuttgart              url:   

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