Dear DuMuXers,

as the release manager, I would like to announce the schedule and important information for the next DuMuX release, DuMuX 3.1.

Consider following dates in your development / commit strategy:

== Soft feature freeze: 20. September ==
- All major changes that should be included and are not yet committed should be announced. Add a comment to issue #762 <> describing the feature and areas affected by the change.
- Major changes not announced will be rejected after the soft freeze.
- Reports from the management representatives about remaining tasks.

== Hard feature freeze: 2. October ==
- All major changes must be committed before the hard feature freeze.
- Invasive fixes which might break other code are only accepted after consultation with the release manager, small fixes are ok. - Try to get your bugs fixed, your tests included and your documentation written before the hard feature freeze. - Final reports from the management representatives what is finished and what must be dropped.

== Final testing: 6. October ==
- No commits are allowed except these which are done by the release manager or which are explicitly authorization by the release manager.
- Release candidate packages will be provided.
- Tests on various systems, compilers, with different settings are run. Everyone should at least test the own tests!

== DuMuX 3.1 release: 11. October ==
- celebrate, I will bring something to drink!

Looking forward to a good release,

(Release manager DuMuX 3.1)


Katharina Heck                 phone: +49 711 685 64719
IWS, Universität Stuttgart     fax:   +49 711 685 54719
Pfaffenwaldring 61   
D-70569 Stuttgart              url:

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