Dear experts,

I would like to calculate the flux across the fracture-matrix interfaces, but 
get a runtime error when using the code below (a part of my matrixproblem.hh):

                FluxVariables fluxVars;
                fluxVars.init(*this, element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, scvf, 

                if (couplingManager().isOnInteriorBoundary(element, scvf))
                        Scalar flux = 
fluxVars.advectiveFlux(FluidSystem::phase0Idx, upwindTerm);    // <-- Runtime 
error here
                        std::cout << ", flux=" << flux << std::endl;
                        mfFlux += flux;

The code successfully prints the flux for a first scvf but gives the following 
error message on a second scvf: "Assertion `std::find(s.begin(), s.end(), 
lowDimElemIdx) != s.end()' failed.'

The error message occurs in couplingManager().getLowDimVolVars(). It seems that 
the low-dimensional element can be found, but the corresponding volume 
variables cannot be linked.

Appreciate your help 😊


PS I am (still) using Dumux 2.12..

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