
thank you.

On 28.01.2020 15:15, Kilian Weishaupt wrote:
Do you consider a water/polymer mixture at a fixed concentration?

Well, polymer concentration is "the big question". Indeed, the task could be to find the optimal value or variation curve to optimize oil output. So, now another question is how to define a " variation curve" for polymer concentration?

I learnt that due to the adaptive timestepping, it would be more precise to define "episodes" in each of which use a different concentration instead of using if branches related to the current simulation time. Is it right?

If yes, then you could create some sort of pseudo-component (such as "Air", which is actually a mixture of multiple components) which you could then just plug into OnePLiquid.

Yes, this is the point which I do not know how to do!

If you actually want to balance water and the polymer explicitly, you will probably have to write your own fluid system where you can then also specify your phase and component indices.

Yes, this is another point which I do not know how to do! In particular, as I understand, in general I could use the most general 3p3c and then some phases/components will be zero, but it will be a waste.

I do not understand how to create a fluidsystem with water and oil as phases and the polymer and water component only in water phase.

Any examples?

Thank you,


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