is pc = 0? Otherwise I don’t understand the boundary condition.
No, capillary pressure is not zero; however dpc/dn is zero because dsw/dn is zero (boundary condition on the right edge). So dpw/dn = dpn/dn. Another boundary condition on the right edge is constant pw so I calculate the dpw/dn from it and then derive both fluxes.

Your permeability seems to be a matrix. I that correctly implemented? Should be a diagonal matrix with the identical entries according to your implementation.

Yes, it is diagonal and K[0][0] = K[1][1]. I postponed a more generic implementation, so to speak.

If the numeric differentiation does not work, I would rather suspect that something with your setup is wrong. Non-physical boundary / initial conditions or similar.

OK, thank you. I will think about it more.

Best regards,


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