Oh, never mind, I missed this part

        const auto elemSol = elementSolution(element, curElemVolVars, fvGeometry);

Sorry for the noise.

Best regards,


On 16.05.2020 15:47, Dmitry Pavlov wrote:


Thank you for the pointers. In my MaterialLawParams, I store some coefficients that are calculated basing on evalGradients() which I call inside

MySpatialParams::materialLawParams(const Element& element, const SubControlVolume& scv, const ElementSolution& elemSol)

Inside this function, I have everything I need to call evalGradients(). The coefficients are then used in MyMaterialLaw::krw() and friends.

So it is all very nice until I have to implement derivatives, too. There is no ElementSolution passed to MyLocalResidual::addFluxDerivatives() or MyLocalResidual::addRobinFluxDerivatives(). MaterialLawParams also are not passed there. So how can I do my thing with the evalGradients() there, or, if that is not possible, what are my other options to get the pressure gradient? Thank you.

Best regards,


On 15.05.2020 19:46, Timo Koch wrote:


Timo Koch                                      phone: +49 711 685 64676
IWS, Universität Stuttgart                  fax:   +49 711 685 60430
Pfaffenwaldring 61 email: timo.k...@iws.uni-stuttgart.de <mailto:timo.k...@iws.uni-stuttgart.de> D-70569 Stuttgart             url: www.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/en/lh2/ <http://www.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/en/lh2/>

On 15. May 2020, at 18:25, Dmitry Pavlov <dmitry.pav...@outlook.com <mailto:dmitry.pav...@outlook.com>> wrote:


I am struggling to do a simulation in DuMux 3.1 with a two-phase flow in porous medium (oil + aqueous solution containing a polymer and a surfactant). I am using the 2pnc model and the Box method, because it allows a fully implicit solution taking into account the dependence of material parameters on the pressure gradient. I am using a numeric FVAssembler and UMFPack as the linear backend of the Newton method.

The simulation works, but is hugely impractical because the time convergence is slow. The time step goes down to the length of a few seconds.

So I am considering using an analytical Jacobian here. Why so? Because of two clues:

1. I once had trouble with a numerical Jacobian causing the method to diverge, and analytical Jacobian helped (after a bug in its implementation was fixed) [1].

2. There are not many software packages claiming to be able to do this kind of simulation. One of those who do is MRST, and it advertises its automatic differentiation approach [2]. (It also says that it uses TPFA, but it is not a good option with DuMux in this case because there is no possibility with TPFA to account for the pressure gradient on the current step [3]).

Now, I can not compile my program with FVAssembler<TypeTag, DiffMethod::analytic>, because the addFluxDerivatives method that I am using gives an error, saying "Only fluids with constant viscosities are allowed!". The viscosity of aqueous phase in my case is not constant because it depends on polymer concentration. Is there any example of analytic flux derivatives implementation for this case? If not, what would be the general recommendations on how I can implement such a thing myself?

If you think that I am not on the right path and the numeric differentiation should not be a problem, and the problem is something else, feel free to let me know, too. Thank you.

Hi Dmitry,

bad Newton convergence can have many reasons. Could depend on the BC or general problem setup. The derivatives could also be a problem but there is now way to find the exact reason without a close investigation of the actual setup. You may get better convergence if you think about how you can maybe remove some non-linearities and couplings in your equations. Maybe (I have no idea) some couplings in your specific model are quite weak but not very important. Then the approximation of the Jacobian could be bad and you would be better off removing the coupling completely.

As for analytical Jacobian: as the error suggests, the TwoPIncompressibleLocalResidual you are using assumes constant viscosity. This is because it’s not generally possible to get the exact derivative because we don’t know what Fluid System is used. (AD would be an option but currently not implemented in Dumux). In your case, if you know the derivative of the viscosity with respect to all primary variables, you can provide your own implementation of TwoPIncompressibleLocalResidual. Basically use product rule in terms where the viscosity occurs.
I personally don’t know of any example implementation.
Then, just set your custom class as the “LocalResidual” property.
If the derivative is very complicated you could also use numeric differentiation for the viscosity or try to locally use an AD library to evaluate the derivative.

Good luck

Best regards,


[1] https://listserv.uni-stuttgart.de/pipermail/dumux/2020q2/002492.html
[2] https://www.sintef.no/projectweb/mrst/modules/ad-eor/
[3] https://listserv.uni-stuttgart.de/pipermail/dumux/2020q2/002516.html
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