
I have confession to make. For quite some time, I have been using DuMux 3.3, refusing to upgrade because my code uses MaterialLawParams extensively, and in DuMux 3.4 it is no longer available. I saw the deprecation notice in 3.3, but was too busy/lazy to look into the alternative.

Now I started to think about upgrade and... I do not know how to do with FluidMatrixInteraction the things I have been doing with MaterialLawParams. The changelog says: "A caller does not have to pass a `parameters` object to the laws anymore". See, the necessity (capability) to pass this object around allowed me to make by krw and krn effectively depending not only on sw, but also on the concentration of a component (surfactant), and on the pressure gradient.

I obtained the surfactant concentration and pressure gradient in SpatialParams::materialLawParams, then used them to calculate the capillary desaturation coefficients, and then wrapped them into the returned instance of MaterialLawParams, which was later happily passed to krw() and krn().

With DuMux 3.4 I see examples with different implementations of FluidMatrixInteraction being used depending on position etc., but no example where fluid variables other than sw affect the relative permeability. Is this possible?



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