Hi Kenza,

in your problem you have a “setTime” function. Do you actually call this 
function in your main.cc <http://main.cc/>?
You have to tell the problem what the current time is at the beginning of each 
time loop.
In an implicit Euler time stepping procedure you probably want to do

problem->setTime(timeLoop->time() + timeLoop->timeStepSize());
at the beginning of each time loop.


> On 5. Oct 2021, at 17:31, kenza bouznari <bouznari.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> How can I stop a gas injection from a source after a certain time? 
> I already tried to follow the instructions in 
> dumux_course/exercises/exercise-runtimeparams. There must be something that I 
> am not implementing correctly and I couldn't found out what is it.
> PS: I am using 2p2c / chemicalnonequilibrium model. I attached the problem.hh 
> and the input file I'm using.
> Thanks for your help,
> Best regards
> KB
> <params.input><problem.hh>_______________________________________________
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