Hi Johannes,

it’s definitely possible. I guess a good starting point for a black-oil type 
model is 3p(ni), ni: non-isothermal.
It would depend on the specific type of model, particular formulation (total 
velocity, global pressure for example) and solution scheme that you want to 
use, that would determine how much work it is to adapt that model to your needs.
You could also start with the more general 3p3c(ni) compositional model and 
simplify from there. It might be that you can also just use the 3pni or 3p3cni 
model directly for whatever scenario you are considering. Not sure about your 
exact goals.

The equations can be found in the doxygen docs here: 
<https://dumux.org/docs/doxygen/master/a14458.html> and here: 
Also the habilitation of Holger Class is a good reference: 
http://dx.doi.org/10.18419/opus-299 <http://dx.doi.org/10.18419/opus-299>.

There is also a black oil model with many variants in OPM 
<https://github.com/OPM/opm-models/tree/master/opm/models>) which is somewhat 
similar to Dumux code (as it once upon a time used to be the same code base).
Maybe that fits your needs better, no idea, I just wanted to mention it. Just 
to be clear, we can’t help you here from the Dumux side if you decide to opt 
for OPM; it’s a different project (more geared towards industrial application).


> On 27. Oct 2021, at 18:23, Bauer Johannes Fabian 
> <johannes-fabian.ba...@doktorand.tu-freiberg.de> wrote:
> Dear Dumux-Team, 
> I have a question regarding the general possibility to build a non-isothermal 
> black oil model for the simulation of combustion processes in porous media. 
> Is this possible in Dumux? And if yes, which starting file is here applicable 
> (3p, 3p3c)? 
> Best regards 
> Johannes Bauer
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