Dear DuMuX community,

It is time again to collect our work for the next Dumux release: Dumux 3.5!

Please consider the following dates while developing new features and adding 
merge requests to Dumux:

== Soft Feature Freeze: 13. April, 2022 (3 weeks prior to the release) ==
- All major changes that should be included and are not yet committed should be 
announced. Add a comment to 
 describing the feature and the areas affected by the change.
- Major changes not announced before the soft freeze will be reserved for the 
next release.
- The representative assigned to each major task will report on their remaining 

== Hard Feature Freeze: 20. April (2 weeks prior to the release) ==
- All major changes must be committed before the hard feature freeze.
- Large invasive fixes are only accepted after consultation with the release 
manager (small fixes are ok).
- Try to get your bugs fixed, your tests included, and your documentation 
written before the hard feature freeze.
- The representative assigned to each major task will give a final report on 
what was finished and what must be postponed until the next release.

== Final Testing:  27. April (1 week prior to the release) ==
- No further commits are allowed, barring those performed by the release 
manager, or under the explicit authorization of the release manager.
- Release candidate packages will be provided.
- Tests will be performed on various systems, compilers, and under different 
conditions. Everyone should at least test their own tests!

== DuMuX 3.5 Release: 04. May 2022 ==
- Cold beverages, great discussions, and even better research code. If this 
celebration should need to occur virtually, we will set up a celebration telcon.

Looking forward to a great release,

(Release manager DuMuX 3.5)

Yue Wang
Universitaet Stuttgart
Institut fuer Wasser- und Umweltsystemmodellierung
Lehrstuhl fuer Hydromechanik und Hydrosystemmodellierung
Pfaffenwaldring 61, 70569 Stuttgart
Tel.: 0711/685-64899<>

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