> On 15. Apr 2022, at 13:07, Dmitry Pavlov <dmitry.pav...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am considering a possibility to use a DuMuX program not as an executable, 
> but as a shared library. In addition, this library is going to pass the 
> results to caller via memory, rather than storing .vtu files on disk. Also, 
> the library is to be called more than once, each time accepting a different 
> params.input, also via memory.
> If anybody has done a similar thing, I will be grateful if you share your 
> experience.

Hi Dmitry,

this should be essentially what is done when Dumux is used through Python 
bindings. See below for some pointers.

> The issues I see now are:
> - Not sure if MPI will remain possible. But multiprocessing is not a priority 
> in my particular case, since the library will be used mostly for 1D problems.

What would be the problem exactly? I could imagine that Dumux used the 
Dune::MPIHelper at some point to obtain the communicator via the singleton 
inside some class.
That would be a problem that needs to be fixed. The communicator needs to be 
passed from outside.
Other than that I don’t really see where MPI support would break.

> - DuMuX expects params.input to be a file, not a stream. But a more generic 
> DUNE interface accepts a stream, so I think it will not be hard to adjust 
> DuMuX's behavior.

Parameters can also be passed via a lambda function to Parameters::init (see 
the other function signatures at 
This means you can simply pass parameters stored in a ParameterTree (which you 
can read from stream or construct otherwise) or any other convertible format.
This is the interface I use if I want to e.g. wrap a Dumux simulator as a 
single Python driver function (see e.g. 

> - Some of the parameters in DuMuX codebase are only initialized once (grep 
> for "getParam" and "static" on the same line). For example, 
> assembly/boxlocalassembler.hh:
>     static const int numDiffMethod = 
> getParamFromGroup<int>(this->problem().paramGroup(), 
> "Assembly.NumericDifferenceMethod");
> This would be a problem if I wanted to pass different 
> Assembly.NumericDifferenceMethod with sequential calls of the library. 
> Fortunately, I do not. Aside from problem-specific parameters, I want to vary 
> parameters of grid and time stepping, and it seems that they can be 
> re-initialized, as least for porous medium flow problems.

This is indeed a problem / bad design. It probably results either from laziness 
or comes from some difficulties maintaining backwards-compatibility when 
introducing the parameter.
These parameters should be settable from the “outside”, via the class interface 
either with dedicated interface functions or by passing a parameter tree 
explicitly. Any improvements are welcome.


> Do I miss any other obstacles?
> Is there a consistent pattern in which parameters are initialized once and 
> which can be re-initialized?
> Best regards,
> Dmitry
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