On Fri, Sep 8, 2000 4:24 PM, Colin Doyle wrote:
>> Well, I opened up my 2400c the other day and the ESC
>> key fell off. The little "scissors thingy" came off
>> with it and it all appears like nothing's broken, but
>> for the life of me I can't figure how to re-attach it.
>> Is there a trick to it?

After spilling some unknown substance into my keys I popped off the "D" key
and managed to get it back on, so here goes. . .

One end of the sissors has two round lateral pegs that simply snap into a
groove on the key. The other end of the sissors is a tab that slides into a
slot on the key. So one part of the sissors is like a fulcrum while the
other end of the sissors serves to slide allowing the key to move up and
down. The same configuration works for the keyboard base side of the

To put the key back on, I put the sissors thingy on the key first, snapping
the two round ends to the key after positioning the tab ends into the key
slots. Putting the key on the keyboard involves carefully positioning the
sliding ends of the sissors into their slots first, aligning the key and
then pressing the key down to snap the round ends into the little grooves
on the keyboard base. I'm assuming the narrower "esc" key is the same as
the "D" key. Be sure the rubber spring is in place first and cross your
fingers. . .

Good luck. . .

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