Yep, it's pretty much like the title says.

You remember that I've got this memory expansion card some time ago that
was supposed to be a 36MB, but would end up only being a 20MB? I was
able to get a full refund from the seller, since there was obviously a
PCB missing from the card, hence only 20MB.

So, at about the same time I got the refund, I found an auction for a
40MB card. After some bidding fight, I won the auction (no, I won't tell
you the final price because I'm not comfortable with it, but I really
needed more memory).

So, I've just received this card this morning. Imagine my joy when, upon
opening the box, there was a big sticker on one of the chip that says
"48MB". Wow! Could I have been lucky enough and got a 48MB (48MB + 8MB
onboard = 54MB)???

Sadly, no. After inserting the card and powering the 2300c, I found out
that the Duo is only seeing 40MB "total". I launched Apple System
Profiler, and indeed, the computer sees a 32MB expansion card only.

So, what does that mean? Is my 2300c limited in some ways? The card was
specifically guaranteed for a 2300c (that was the only Duo model they
were offering a warranty). What's wrong? Is there any jumper or
something I need to set on the Duo in order to access that extra memory?
Sure, the sticker might be there by mistake, and although I haven't
contacted the seller yet (I turned to this great list first), it seems
that they knew this card was a 40MB, although if they didn't check it,
there might have been a mistake somewhere.

Anyway, beside contacting the seller, any idea of what could be wrong?
And no, this card doesn't seem to miss anything. There is a second PCB
on the top of the one with the main connector, and everything seems to
be in order. BTW, that's a Microtech card. Should I try to contact them
to see if something can be done?

Thanks in advance!

Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]             Washington, DC,
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