Edgar Peinelt wrote:
> > With all
> >that Microsoft OLE library stuff etc. etc. I just wasn't
> >knowledgeable enough (is *anybody*??) to be certain about what to
> >remove, and didn't want to discover later on that a needed shared
> >resource had been trashed.
> If you really need to know about this, you might want to use Extensions
> Overload (which is also an extensions manager) and InformInit. Both items
> are shareware and very helpful in cases of extention conflicts too.
> Edgar

Speaking of those kind of "extensions managers", anyone has a copy of
the old InitTracker, from Ambrosia? I've been looking everywhere for it,
but couldn't find it. I liked it more than Conflict Catcher because it
was a much more lightweight product.

Anyway, if you happen to have a copy, let me know. Thanks!

Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae
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