Howdy Duolisters:

I recently acquired a 280, and a couple of used-but-still-good
batteries, so I've been getting the 280 set up, and am reviving my 230
as well.

I have been having a strange problem in attempting to use Battery
Recondition on my Duo 230 or 280. I cannot run _any_ version of Batt.
Rec. I have (1.1, 1.2, 1.5) on the 230. When I start it up it just quits
and tells me "Batt. Rec. 1.x" will not work on this powerbook" I tried
swapping a different batt. in and it didn't make a difference.

On the 230 I am running system 7.5.1, with 12 MB RAM, VM on at 16 MB.
The 280 has OS 8.1, 40 MB RAM, VM off.

On the 280, I can start Batt. Rec. 1.5, and it will take me through the
introductory dialogue. When I click "OK" at the "Are you sure..."
dialogue, the screen goes white, then blank, and it dumps me back to the
finder with a message "The battery was not reconditioned because the
app. quit." If I attempt to restart Batt. Rec., I get a "Batt. Rec. will
not work on this powerbook" message." If I restart the machine, the app.
will start, but the same thing happens.

I have been attempting to do this with the Duos plugged into a minidock.
Does that make a difference? Should I plug the AC adapter into the back
of the Duo itself?


Robert Johansen

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