greetings this is really a story of my roadtrip to macworld NY and 
contains some upgrading infos
perhaps it is a bit long but some of the details my be helpful as 
other consider upgrades.

I started in Texas with  a used 2400 c 180 ,48mb ram and 3gb hd, a 
TiBook 400, a Power mac 7600 and a iMac 233 rev b  all jammed in the 
Astro Van with my friend and I.  so we had more computers than people!
Only the two powerbooks and the two people returned to Texas :-0 
Desktops found new NY homes.

At Macworld  NY 2002 I attempted to install the drivers for the 
farallon Skyline card and to access the airport network in the 
Macworld Internet Cafe .. I could not even See any airport networks.
I then heard many  Powerbooks before TiBook had difficulty also ??? 
any one know about THAT?
Despite my failure it was fun to attempt and a few folks gathered to 
watch over my shoulder.

I was later able to get the card to see other Airport networks (Apple 
Base Station and Software base Station File sharing off Tibook.) So 
that was a success with Airport.

Next I renewed my contacts with Jake Luck from this list and arranged 
to do some hardware upgrades inside the 2400.  I have some PC and Mac 
tech building skills but was grateful that Jake offered to help since 
he had been inside the 2400 several times before.  AND YES it is very 
tight and confusing inside.

After Jake removed many scresws and cables. We removed the 3 GB hard 
drive ... installed it into a Powerboy USB/Firwire enclosure, and put 
the 10 gb Toshiba HD from my Tibook 400 into the 2400 Powerbook. The 
drives fit nicely into their new locations. WE DID use a few rubber 
spacers there were in the powerbook 2400 when we installed the 
Toshiba drive.- apparently these drive screw spacers are not always 

We also upgraded the Ram to 80 MB with a 64 mb OMNI inc chip off ebay 
for $39.  Despite the troubles some folks have it showed up as 80mb 
total at first and still has... I think I got one AFTER the quality 
error that they fixed.

now I had a blank HD with no OS as neither JAKE nor I had a CD ROM - Oopps
I was able to boot with Jake's Disk tools floppy and verify that the 
2400 worked and that the HD and RAM where seen by the system.
Thanks again Jake!

I next used a CD-Rom I had traveled to NY with (but not carried to 
Jake's ) and installed os 8.6 temporarily and just tested things out.
Then I set up  a trip to friend's "Lake House" and got some real work done.
I booted the 2400 off Cd and partitioned the internal 10 gb Hd into 
three partions  one with a stock 8.6 (for the future OSX perhaps)
I installed the Skyline card and drivers on the 2400 8.6 install.
i hooked the Powerboy firewire enclosure (old 2400 HD) up the the 
Tibook and it mounts to desktop..
With Airport base station in Ad hoc (infrastructure mode) I used file 
sharing to transfer the previously tweaked 8.6 install from the 
Firewire Hd into a second partiton on the 2400.

back in Manhattan I was able to find a panasonic 24 x portable CDrom 
with no battery case for $100 used .
and it works most of the time :-)

So Now I have a 2400 180 with 80mb ram and a 10 gb 4200rpm toshiba 
HD. I have Wireless networking, and ethernet, an extraneous  modem I 
have never setup ;-) and two batteries and a Cd rom.

I have found that 8.6 works best for me on the 2400. I have two 
Versions installed , one is pretty stock for troubleshooting and one 
is tweaked . Then I have 6 gb left over for CD imagesand mp3s (i use 
Audion Player) so I NEVER need to carry around the Cdrom.

All I am waiting for is the G3 upgrade to the 2400 and my Tibook can 
stay at home as a desktop unit.
Hope some of this Process is of use to those considering uprgades.... 
it was a lot of leg work... but NOW 2400 comet Rocks and goes 
everywhere with me.

====    Bon V. Davis II  =  [EMAIL PROTECTED] =========

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