I'd be very interested if the G3/600 for it was released. Otherwise, as a student, I just can't justify putting that kind of money into it

Hi everyone,
My name is Philip Lord, and I live in Tokyo, Japan.

Occasionally I am lucky enough come across the extremely hard to find 96meg RAM chips for the 2400.

I was wondering what sort of interest there would be from people on this list who wanted to purchase one of these chips. I have seen one place in the USA that sells these for about US$400. I think I could do much better that this price...judging from the prices that I have seen, I'm guessing that I could probably sell these for about US$250-270 (of course ever changing exchange rates come into play a little to). Shipping will probably be about $10-$15.
People wanting one would have to wait as there would be no guarantees that I could find one quickly or that it would be new. They are rare, even here in Japan, and finding one may take some time. It doesn't seem to make any difference in the prices that I have seen whether they are new or used.

Anyway, this would involve a lot of time and monetary investment from me, so at present I'm just trying to gauge peoples interest.
Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget
What thou among the leaves hast never known,
The weariness, the fever and the fret
Here, where men sit and hear each other groan;
- John Keats: "Ode To A Nightingale"

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