ListMom Eric wrote:
>I'm considering transitioning the list into a more general Mac
>Sub-compacts list.

I spend most of my time lurking, so not sure how much my
vote counts. I was a bit more active when I used my Duos
a lot, but switched first to a 1400 then to the white iBook
because my computing needs for school couldn't be fully
met by the limited RAM of a Duo. Maybe if I had gotten a
2400 I would have been OK.

Anyway, I think if the list changes to all subcompacts, the
Duo users will get lost in all the chatter from the other
systems using OS X, different peripherals, etc. I still like
reading this list because I like to maintain older machines
and this is one place you can keep learning. I think I tried
reading the iBook list for about a week but gave up on it
because it wasn't as interesting and didn't have the
same sense of community as this list. If the list changes
to an all-inclusive subcompacts list, I'll probably give up
on it after a while unless it can somehow keep the same
level of user involvement and general interest as it has
today. Hoping for a bright future for this list, in whatever
form it takes!


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