Duo/2400 List wrote:

---------------Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 13:54:13 -0400

Subject: [Duo2400] 2400c - finder quits on restart on a fresh OS install
From: Leigh Honeywell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just did a clean install of OS 9.1 on my 2400c, and as soon as i start up, the finder quits. Any ideas as to what might be wrong?
Thanks a bunch,
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 16:44:53 -0400
Subject: [Duo2400] Re: 2400c - finder quits on restart on a fresh OS
From: Christopher Kolp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I'll second that!
I just put my G3 240 upgrade in and did a clean install of 9.1.
Whenever I insert a PC Card, Finder Quits. At this point, I'm assuming that
I'm missing something pertaining to my 9.1 install. It's a default install
with the only additional software being the Nupowr drivers and the Japanese
language kit.
Any help is appreciated,

I keep a Folder on every Mac's DeskTop with 3-4 fresh Finders, which I have copied from the OS install disk.

The first reaction to any startup problem is to drag the System Finder -as well as the Finder Preferences to the Trash, drag a new Finder from the Folder into the System and restart. Usually causes the problem to be solved.

Can't say that you will have the same positive results in this instance, but it is worth a try and it can't hurt. It is also just another little Mac tip that needs to get passed around.

In God We Trust
& Very warm regards,
Drew Johnson
Captain FedEx-Ret
Captain USNR-Ret

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