The PPC upgrade always came with the bottom plate...the "replacement" part 
was the logic board only....some folks flogged this as an "upgrade," but the 
stiffner and the heatsink are different on the 2300.  Had a friend who bought one 
of the replacement logics and upgraded his 230.....unit started crashing like 
crazy.  Finally brought it to me...almost NO heatsinking at all!  Found a 
thermal plate for him (similar to the "wing" used in the official upgrade) and 
got him operational.  He had run it for a week....did NOT hurt the logic board.  
He got lucky.

BTW, I may actually have a good 2300 logic in a trackball case for 
sale....anyone interested?   There will also be an excellent 280c display (sorry, 
logic's dead...ate HV from a fried power adapter) and one 28 meg RAM card from a 
clean (tho dead) 280c.  I've already got two 2300's...don't need a fourth.  
Sorry, the SCSI HD is gone as is the keyboard off the 280.  All parts checked out 
and tested good.


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