Hey all, I have a 2400c, which is about to have a 240mhz/1mb L2 G3 installed.

I also have a Compact Flash PCMCIA adapter, to help with the limtied RAM issue.

Anyhow, for those of you with similar setups, which OS are you running?
I had thought of sticking with 8.6 for this machine, as there is some third-party memory protection software for this OS. It isn't available for 9, so I'm considering X, using X-Post Facto to install it, and the Compact Flash as the swap partition for virtual memory. In Japan, there are many 2400c users running OS X, so it can be done.

If I stick with 8.6, however, will it do well with the G3? At the very least, will it run as well as OS 9 would on the G3? I'd hate switching to 9, as I would lose the reliability of memory protection.

This is a bit of a new experience for me, as I've never run anything earlier than 9.1 on a G3 or G4 chip.

I'd also like to hear some Linux-based options... I've read that both Debian and Yellow Dog run well on kits like mine. I would like to use GIMP, and some word-processing and multimedia stuff, in such a setup.

I also have a G4 MT, as my workstation, so a bit of experimentation won't leave me stranded.

Thanx, in advance, for any advice.

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