Several people have asked me about the dynamic memory protection / allocation software.
I've read it works very well with Ram Doubler.
Here is a link.

The compact flash solution wouldn't have a direct impact on the system memory, and such wasn't my intention. It would be used as VM, using RAM Doubler, to free up some hard drive usage. Some folks boot from Compact Flash, but, I don't see myself going that far with it. Given the average speed of laptop hard drives, I think using CF for VM can only help. I would think freeing up hard drive cycles alone would help things along? If someone has tested such a setup to disprove it, feel free to let me know.

I could always buy a faster hard drive, but the 5400 and 7200 RPM laptop drives are still a tad pricey, especially considering I am also beefing up my G4 with faster SCSI drives, and, as it is my primary workstation, it needs the money more than the 2400. When 5400rpm drives drop in price, I'll pick one up.

In regard to the OS X on 2400c in Japan issue ( tho I didn't think folks would make it such an issue, but SHEESH ), many of the Japanese 2400 mod pages I visited show them running X. Many of the same also happen to have the G3 clocked to 500, and the bus clocked up, as well ( tho I think you're running with the devil, at that point ).

I ran X, decently, on a 233 / 512k L2 Wallstreet, which isn't a huge leap over the 2400, so I think running X a 500mhz overclocked 2400c wouldn't be torture. No, not as good as a Pismo, but not misery, either.

I don't take that to mean ALL of them, so why receiving some 2400s from Japan without X would preclude the fact that many Japanese do run it I dunno, keeping in mind there are obviously a lot of these things over there. Mea Culpa, anyhow.

My apologies if this reply comes off a bit rash. It seems a few of the replies I've received have been more about proving how much more than me other folks know, as opposed to actually helping with ideas.
That's all I was doing in the initial post: tossing out a few ideas on how to run my setup, and inquiring as to how others run theirs.
For those who have been constructive thus far, thanx :-)

I'd like to hear from folks who have actually run X on a 2400, to lend some first-hand experience.
And Linux. I'm very interested as to what's available and what works well.

As per the keyboard, I'd love to get my hands on one. Blue, tho I think Pink would garner lots of attention, especially from the ladies ;-)
again, I've seen many MANY colors on the various Japanese mod sites. Orange would be kinda' cool, tho I doubt I'd find one in the states.

Anyone have an extra?


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