FWIW, the "master" in the DWARF .git distro is an .eps file not .png--not
that that really matters. I don't know
where it came from other than Michael gave it to me to use. The .eps does
contain some Copyright lines, namely
% Copyright (c)1992-98 Corel Corporation
% All rights reserved.     v8.0 r0.15
I suspect it came out of some WordPerfect sample graphics selection which
he tweaked for DWARF use--my speculation.

None of which really addresses the question of replacing it. I am OK with
considering a replacement but not eager to
spend much time on it.

I don't much care for any of the quickie examples offered by Ben. The
stylized DWARF is no fun and certainly doesn't
look like a DWARF. The others are too much text and not enough little guy.
And I agree with David that the Dwarf
should be holding a tool (the suggestion of a blacksmith hammer is cool)
and not a weapon.

Such are my thoughts at the moment...


On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 1:52 PM David Blaikie via Dwarf-discuss <
dwarf-discuss@lists.dwarfstd.org> wrote:

> FWIW, I like the idea/reckon it's worth a revisit.
> I'd shy away from equipping the dwarves with weapons/combat imagery -
> maybe a smithy's hammer (or pickaxe) would be more suitable for
> tooling? (this sort of thing:
> https://www.kctool.com/picard-1c-blacksmiths-hammer-with-ash-handle-1800g/
> - has a simple/clear outline, square on one end, tapered on the other)
> As for version-specific logos, as fun as it might be, practically I'd
> be happy to settle on a consistent way to render versions - putting a
> number in the upper right corner, perhaps (have the dwarf hold the
> tool in their right hand, so would appear on the left of the image -
> or swap version/tool around as folks see fit).
> In general my personal font choice is more around example (4), but the
> thick/sturdy-ness of (2) is probably more in keeping with the theme.
> On Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 2:44 PM Ben Woodard via Dwarf-discuss
> <dwarf-discuss@lists.dwarfstd.org> wrote:
> >
> > It has been kind of tense around here for a while; let's have some fun.
> >
> > The DWARF logo is quite old. There are many problems with it as a logo.
> >
> > It is a png and though there appears to be several versions of it at
> different sizes it is a raster and so it doesn't scale well
> > The image itself looks scanned and then colored. This leads to some
> built in aliasing on a pixel level which show up badly when printed.
> > The color choices are not really ideal for printing and if we were going
> to use it on anything other than on a web page like a shirt or a sticker
> there would be problems.
> > If you look at it up close, it is not really clear.
> >
> > I could probably go on and if people would like additional justification
> I will but with the new administration and the push to DWARF6, I think that
> we should consider a new logo. My wife happens to be a graphic designer
> https://cyansamone.com/ and one of the things that she does is logo
> design. When she came into my office and the DWARF5 standard was up on my
> screen and she cringed for about the 50'th time at the logo, I asked her to
> put together some ideas. In a few minutes, she came up with some options.
> http://www.bencoyote.net/~ben/DWARF_logo_1.png
> >
> > The fonts (all free as in beer) and images are mix and match and any
> other ideas are more than welcome. They are vector art and so they can be
> scaled. This was just a quick mockup.
> >
> > I also thought it might be fun to have a DWARF6 specific logo that we
> could put on tools as they become capable of handling the new version of
> the standard. Another idea that I had but she hasn't drawn yet is the 6
> dwarves chasing a bug. She said that drawing that would take more than the
> 5 minutes she had at the moment because she would have to figure out what
> the dwarves look like in profile.
> http://www.bencoyote.net/~ben/DWARF_6_draft.png
> >
> > Yeah I know that it isn't the most important thing in the world of DWARF
> but in relation to all the other miscellany that needed to change, I
> thought that we should toss this on the list.
> >
> > -ben
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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