On Sat, Aug 11, 2007 at 08:09:54PM -0400, James Turner wrote:
> Well the zoom function seems to work, but increasing the master area  
> does not.  I changed part of the incmaster function within tile.c to  
> if(lt->arrange == floating) return; but I still can't increase the  
> master in the bottom stack layout mode.  Any ideas?

Well I decided against making master global. I pushed a
changeset recently with following decisions:

MASTER is renamed to MWFACT (master width factor) - which is
more precise.

master in tile.c is renamed to mwfact, incmaster is renamed to
addtomwfact - which is also more precise.

So this change also points out, that your bstack patch should
contain something like MHFACT (master height factor) as counter
part. Except of zoom(), which you can re-use from tile, I
propose you clone the addtomwfact() behavior as follows for

/* static */

static double mhfact = MHFACT;

/* extern */

addtomhfact(const char *arg) {
        double delta;

        if(lt->arrange != bstack)

        /* arg handling, manipulate mhfact */
        if(arg && (1 == sscanf(arg, "%lf", &delta))) {
                if(delta + mhfact > 0.1 && delta + mhfact < 0.9)
                        mhfact += delta;

And in config.h you add something like this (besides cloning
MHFACT similiar to MWFACT):

{ MODKEY,                       XK_h, addtomwfact,    "-0.05" }, \
{ MODKEY,                       XK_l, addtomhfact,    "0.05" } , \
{ MODKEY,                       XK_h, addtomwfact,    "-0.05" }, \
{ MODKEY,                       XK_l, addtomhfact,    "0.05" } , \

This is somewhat cumbersome for bstack, but the only other
option would be to design bstack as patch to tile.c.

 Anselm R. Garbe >< http://www.suckless.org/ >< GPG key: 0D73F361

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