On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 11:35:05PM +0200, Jesus Galan wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 09:29:36PM +0200, Szabolcs Nagy wrote:
> > #define ISTILE    isarrange(tile) /* || isarrange(<custom>) */
> > 
> > can be misleading with custom layouts since in zoom() it is used like
> > 
> > if(.. !ISTILED ..) return;
> > 
> > so either there should be a comment about parenthesis in config.def.h
> > or zoom should use it like 'if(.. !(ISTILED) ..)'
> I see your point, but I think it is implicit that you should use
> parenthesis in complex expressions, in the same way that you have
> to use quotation marks in strings, for example (IMVHO).

I just found this comment from the Indian Hill C Style and Coding
Standards paper [1]:
"Except for type casts, sizeof, and hacks such as the above, macros
should contain keywords only if the entire macro is surrounded by

[1] http://www.psgd.org/paul/docs/cstyle/cstyle13.htm

> --
> yiyu||JGL

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