On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 09:06:40AM -0400, Jeremy O'Brien wrote:
> I'll go with the & ;)
> Here's a screenshot: http://pohl.ececs.uc.edu/~jeremy/cmus.png
> I use a slightly changed script that comes with cmus called
> cmus-status-display. Here it is:
> http://pohl.ececs.uc.edu/~jeremy/cmus-status-display
> The instructions for using it (very simple) are in the file itself.
> Before I send the status off to the status bar, I filter it to prevent
> ridiculously long lines from taking over my status bar, by doing this:
> `tail -n 1 /tmp/cmus-status |tail -c 50` (This can be seen in my
> xinitrc, posted earlier)
> Feel free to ask any questions. :) I love sharing desktop ideas.
> Everyone's environment is their own, and it's nice to see what kind of
> setups other people use. I love the freedom of open source software.

Nice. I just modified the output() function since I'm not always playing
something. Makes .xinitrc easier to code!
Cheers! -RPM


        # write status to $FSTAT
        echo "$*" >> $FSTAT 2>&1

        # write what's playing to $FPLAY
        if echo "$*" | grep "^\[playing] "
                echo "$*" | sed "s/^\[playing] //" > $FPLAY 2>&1
                rm -f $FPLAY

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