On Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 02:20:47PM +0100, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 02:11:24PM +0100, Pieter Verberne wrote:
> > for example, when I type 'ls' I get this:
> > $ ls
> > altroot boot    bsd.rd  etc     mnt     root    stand   tmp     var
> > bin     bsd     dev     home    obsd    sbin    sys     usr
> > 
> > Now I open a new xterm (Alt+Shift+Enter) and hit Alt+Enter to switch
> > back to my previous xterm with the ls. All I see now is this:
> > 
> > $ ls
> > altroot boot    bsd.rd  etc     mnt     root 
> > bin     bsd     dev     home    obsd    sbin 
> > $ 
> Known xterm limitation, there is no way except screen(1) to fix
> this.
So, I guess many of you have something like this in there config.h? :

{ MODKEY|ShiftMask,   XK_Return,   spawn, "exec xterm -e screen" },

> st is designed to remember and rearrange the line buffer
> according to window sizes, as long as you're not using a real VT
> mode application like vi -- hence ls output will be reformatted
> correctly. But if a VT app is running, it controls the whole
> window area, so st can't help there.
> See st as a mixture of 9term and xterm. VT mode apps will be
> handled in a separate buffer in any case.

I see, sounds nice.

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