I think gmail supports RSS for getting unread mail. I clicked on the little
feed icon in my firefox urlbar and I got an RSS page. I guess a little grep
over that should do the trick. Do tell us if that works!


On Dec 11, 2007 1:05 PM, Jeremy O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 06:47:00PM +0100, Antoni Grzymala wrote:
> > Jeremy O'Brien dixit (2007-12-11, 12:37):
> >
> > > Haha. You gave me this script before, and it was the one that I was
> > > previously using. Worked like a charm! Unfortunately, IMAP works
> > > differently and doesn't populate my ~/.maildir directory anymore :(
> > > Thank you though! :)
> >
> > LOL, excuse my Alzheimer. Do you need to access Gmail via IMAP? I
> > fetchmail my mail the usual way with POP3. Obviously it does not
> > presever the mailbox layout in Gmail. Not really sure, what your needs
> > are.
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > --
> > [a]
> Heh, no problem. :) I am accessing Gmail just fine using mutt and IMAP.
> The problem I have now is finding a way to show the number of new
> emails in my status bar like your script did so wonderfully before.
> The solution that Martin Sander gave seemed adequate, but the script
> failed. I'm assuming it was a typo somewhere :( I would like to start
> using offlineimap too, as this seems to be the best of both worlds
> (offline mail reading + supercool synchronization), but my net
> connection at my house right now is crap, and downloading 500MB+ of
> email is out of the question. So for now I think I'll just rely on
> peeking at mutt every so often to see if I have no email. I can cope. :)
> --
> Jeremy O'Brien aka neutral_insomniac
> GPG key: 0xB1140FDB 
> http://pohl.ececs.uc.edu/~jeremy/jeremy.asc<http://pohl.ececs.uc.edu/%7Ejeremy/jeremy.asc>
> Linux ambelina #1 Zilog(R) Z80
> processor 4MHz GNU/Linux
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFHXtFtJUoJkLEUD9sRAhGJAJ9/wLHYinNV7dJsVc81PpyE2zj7xgCgh4sp
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> =55kj

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