On 12/11/07, Enno Gottox Boland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I wrote an markdown interpreter in C. It should support most of the
> features markdown.pl has (hopefully). Please report any bugs.

As a markdown junky, I'm really happy that you wrote a C
implementation; thanks !
> It would be a good idea if you could test the interpreter with you're
> own documents and report any differences to markdown.pl

Actually, there is a test suite available. See
Sadly, cmarkdown isn't passing any test (runned against tip) :
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/MarkdownTest_1.0$ ./MarkdownTest.pl -script
Amps and angle encoding ... FAILED
Auto links ... FAILED
Backslash escapes ... FAILED
Blockquotes with code blocks ... FAILED
Hard-wrapped paragraphs with list-like lines ... FAILED
Horizontal rules ... FAILED
Inline HTML (Advanced) ... FAILED
Inline HTML (Simple) ... FAILED
Inline HTML comments ... FAILED
Links, inline style ... FAILED
Links, reference style ... FAILED
Literal quotes in titles ... FAILED
Markdown Documentation - Basics ... FAILED
Markdown Documentation - Syntax ... FAILED
Nested blockquotes ... FAILED
Ordered and unordered lists ... FAILED
Strong and em together ... FAILED
Tabs ... FAILED
Tidyness ... FAILED

0 passed; 19 failed.
Benchmark:  0 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr  0.01 sys +  0.05 cusr  0.02
csys =  0.09 CPU)

I hope that little pointer will be helpfull. And again, thanks for sharing!



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