On Fri, Jan 11, 2008 at 05:27:09PM +0100, Sander van Dijk wrote:
> On Jan 11, 2008 5:16 PM, Stefan Maerkl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On the second head, one could display just an empty window labelled
> > "On head 1". Maybe in a special colour or so.
> You're joking, right?... Right?

Hmm, perhaps not :-)

What about focus-following-mouse.

The "inactive" head gets a static, perhaps greyed out version of the
window in question.  The "active" head has the real window with focus,
input and output.
When you move your mouse to the "inactive" window or select it
otherwise, the inactive and active windows get swapped.

So there would be an additional, static client window.
Hmm, perhaps not very clever when "active" and "inactive" have
different sizes.  But perhaps worth a try.  Might be interesting.

who doesn't even have Xinerama

Das Militaer ist eine Pflanze, die man sorgfaelltig
pflegen muss, damit sie keine Fruechte traegt.
                         -- Jaques Tati (1907-1982)

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