Peter Vollmar --> dwm (2008-01-15 12:06:19 +0100):
> So in short, I haven't been able to implement your "loop in a loop"
> script in my .xinitrc, because I don't understand much of its syntax.
> Can you please help me?
> Here's your snippet again:
> for (i=0; ; i=(i+1)%m) { 
> execute non-fetchmail commands
> if (!i) execute fetchmail
> sleep for n seconds
>       } 
> And this is my .xinitrc:
> ...
> while true
> do 
> echo `uptime | sed 's/.*,//'` `date +'%a %d %b %R'` `fetchmail -c
> --sslproto tls |sed 's/(//'|awk '{print $1-$3}'` 
> sleep 2 
> done | dwm

Rereading your original message again I noticed that you're using the script I once posted to this list (IIRC). Have a [1]look at the
version I'm currently using, maybe it fits you needs: it runs some
commands (date, uptime) every $DELAY seconds, and - iff $MCK is not
set to 'no' - a mail check command every $DELAY * $MCK_INT seconds.

DELAY, MCK and MCK_INT can be overriden using environment variables,
i.e. you can override the defaults given in the script (10, 'no', 6)
like this:

        MCK=yes DELAY=5 MCK_INT=12 /path/to/ /path/to/fifo

The mail check command (`mck -q') used in the script is another script
which calls `fetchmail -c' and pipes its output through [3]mck.awk.

HTH, Jukka


bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~

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