On Jan 23, 2008 9:22 PM, Szabolcs Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/23/08, James Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Renick is correct, swingOSC is a cross-platform gui solution *for*
> > supercollider (meaning that its a gui toolkit that is intergrated with
> > the language).
> his statement ("..SwingOSC is the only way to use GUI code.. ") is still false
> he can use any cross platform gui since the supercollider api is open

ok sure lets play quotes...

"I'm stuck with SwingOSC for the moment. I'd like to have an
alternative (and may
eventually write it myself), but in the meantime I still want to be
able to play with that GUI code while using dwm."

whatever, like it or not atm SwingOSC is the only developed
cross-platform gui system for sc3 and developing a native
cross-platform replacement is hardly a quick hack.  So in the meantime
as renick stated it would be good to be able to use what is already

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