Very nice idea. What about collecting all these "baseutilities" and
put them on If we can write more utilities we may get a
complete suckless userspace... :)

2008/1/23, pancake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Oops I forgot to say that it supports a dmenu-mode (this code inherits from
> the old eread program I send to the list few months ago).
> Usage is quite simple:
> int main(int argc, char **argv)
> {
>         char *ret;
>         dl_init();
>         dl_prompt = "$ ";
>         do {
>                 ret = dl_readline(argc, argv);
>                 if (ret) {
>                         printf(" [line] '%s'\n", ret);
>                         dl_hist_add(ret);
>                 }
>         } while(ret!=NULL);
>         dl_free();
> }
> Have fun!
> --pancake
> On Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 04:31:57PM +0100, pancake wrote:
> > As I request in a previous mail I have developed a readline-like
> > library in a minimalistic way avoiding the unnecessary overhead
> > and dependency with a single portable c file.
> >
> > I have tested this on NetBSD, GNU/linux and native w32 and works
> > pretty fine.
> >
> > The library currently supports autocompletion of a single word
> > using argc, argv (this is just a PoC). Allows to change the prompt,
> > and change some configuration stuff for it.
> >
> > No vi or emacs mode yet (should i read inputrc?).
> >
> > Current support:
> >
> >  - history log
> >  - navigate history with ^n/^p or up/down keys
> >  - autocompletion for one keyword (no nested yet)
> >  - tab key hooked for autocompletion
> >  - support to change the prompt
> >  - handle ^C and ^D
> >
> > You can download the implementation here:
> >
> >
> >
> > To test it on w32 just put __UNIX__ to 0 and __WINDOWS__ to 1 :)
> >
> > $ gcc dietline.c
> > $ ./a.out foo bar foobar foocowblob foocowguai
> > = foo<tab>
> > foo foobar foocowblob foocowguai
> > = foocow<tab>
> > foocowblob foocowguai
> > = foocowb<tab>
> > = foocowblob
> >
> > I plan to use this library instead of readline for radare 
> > (
> > so I plan to continue working on it.
> >
> > Patches and ideas are welcome.
> >
> > --pancake
> >

-- - Real Community Distro - Gnuffy on Ipaq (Codename Peggy)

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