Enno Gottox Boland dixit (2008-04-23, 16:27):

> think of alt+tab. btw. There's a switch to prevent rdesktop from grabbing 
> keys:
>        -K     Do not override window manager key bindings.  By default
> rdesktop attempts to grab all keyboard input when it is  in
>               focus.

I know the -K flag. I use it and it doesn't fix the issue I'm having.
When I switch to the tag with rdesktop it "sees" that win-key is still
pressed and accordingly remote windows opens up the start menu.

I don't know much about X11 programming, but isn't there an option to
make a keypress "private" once the keypress is "used up" by dwm?

As to "alt-tab", or whatever alternative people are using, I still don't
see any use in feeding this shortcut to an application after having been
used by dwm for whatever purpose.



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