On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 05:55:29PM -0700, Jonny Gerold wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering if there is a bottom stack patch for 4.9? All I see is a    
>  patch for 5.0, and was wondering if the only place I can get 5.0 is from 
> hg?
> Thanks, Jonny

I personally never released a patch for 4.9.  I believe you can get this
functionality by changing DEFGEOM.  I'm still using 4.7 myself, since I
didn't like the way dwm was headed with xinerama.  If you search the
archives I vaguely remember someone posting an example DEFGEOM that
accomplished bottom stack.  Personally, once 5.0 is released I'll switch
to running it full time, so expect the patch for it and hopefully future
releases to stay up to date.

James Turner
BSD Group Consulting

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