You swhouldn't need to mess with drawbar() for this. Just put these shell lines in your ${HOME}/.xinitrc . Mine looks like this :

while true
echo `date "+%m/%d %H%M"`
sleep 60
done | dwm

(you only need to pole date once a minute for as accurate as you are getting)


On Jul 10, 2008, at 6:02 AM, Mayhem 666 wrote:

A friend of mine wrote the following shell code to display the date after the window title.

while true
echo "[`date +'%a %d %b %H:%M'`]"
sleep 2
done | while true; do dwm; done

I was wondering if someone could point me to how i can manipulate the drawbar() function to achieve the same result. Studying the source code, left me kind of confused, and i dont know enough about how system calls manipulate the standard streams.

Just point me how to print for example a simple text string after the title, and i think i will figure out the rest.

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