I don't understand why IDEs are considered so bad.

IDEs make it easy to shoot yourself in the foot (by clicking with the mouse, no less). But all C programmers know that it works to just avoid shooting yourself in the foot. Also, there may be bad IDEs.

I use Eclipse for Java programming, with viPlugin.

Regarding lock-in: Our build infrastructure is based on make, and I integrated Eclipse and the build infrastructure. This means all projects can be built using make. There is no lock-in. (In fact, some team members prefer Emacs, and some use vi. We all collaborate on the same projects.)

Regarding power of the editor: With viPlugin, I get enough basic editor functionality so that I do not feel restrained. Yet, the Eclipse Java editor knows Java syntax and offers a much higher level of source code editing. Specifically, we have refactoring and quickfix support, and code completion and navigation.

Quickfix means that the editor recognizes common compilation problems and offers corrections. I use that to speed up typing: I say String x = someObject.someMethod(someArg);, then wait for the editor to flag the compilation error, then let it correct the type of x. This means that I don't have to remember the exact type that someMethod returns, and also I get the import statement for free.


pancake wrote:
I wrote a random list of tips for coding (mostly in C)


If you have some ideas/missing tips i'm open for discussion :)


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